PR Officer in Tanjung Selor, Tarakan

PT. BGP Indonesia is one of Geophysical Service Contractors located in Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan. Currently we are preparing for project 3D Land Seismic Acquisition in Tanjung Selor - Tarakan. To support our continuously work load in this project, we are looking for highly caliber candidates with relevant skills and experiences in 3D Land Seismic Acquisition to serve in Oil & Gas Industry for :

* Public Relation Officer

The requirements are:
2.Not more than 45 years old
3.Have a similar experience min. 5 years
4.In good health condition/ Suitable for field operation
5.English Skill is a must.
6.Will be place at Tanjung Selor - Tarakan.
7.Preferable familiar with Tanjung selor area
8.Contract 6 months, after pass the probation 1 month.
9.Project duration 1 year

Job responsibilities:
1.Dealing with local people such as Camat, Lurah, etc if something happen in there.
2.Can make good relationship with government.
3.Make a report to government about foreigners working permit.
4.Become mediates between local person and company.

Interested applicant can be send application letter, CV to not later than 11 December 2009. Don’t forget to put the position on your email subject.


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